✨Works out of the box guarantee. If you face any issue at all, hit us up on Telegram and we will write the integration for you.


Publish on chain using js-stellar-sdk


You can access the code on Gitlab:

These two repos hold all configurations and metadata required to publish a Reclaim proof to Stellar.

You will need the Soroban CLI (opens in a new tab) to build the smart contract. Also, we are using Freighter (opens in a new tab) wallet for this walkthrough, make sure to have it installed. Once Freighter is installed and configured, go on and allow experimental features by switching it in Settings > Preferences, this is required to try the frontend in localhost.

Contract and JS interactions

You can skip this part if you wish to verify on our deployed contract (opens in a new tab) with address CA4OZVT36RMBNI5MRDB4724N5LJ4H2FDA633UO2SH37DPLFRBXVBPNVT.

Clone the client contract repo.

git clone https://gitlab.reclaimprotocol.org/integrations/onchain/stellar-sdk.git
cd stellar-sdk
soroban contract build

Deploy the contract.

Upload to Stellar network and instantiate the contract.

soroban contract deploy --wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/reclaim.wasm --source reclaim --network testnet
export CONTRACT= // Paste in the resulting contract address
export ACCOUNT= // Paste in your public address 
soroban contract invoke --id $CONTRACT --source reclaim --network testnet -- instantiate --user $ACCOUNT

Save the contract address, it is the only contract-specific metadata to be used in the frontend client.

React client development

Cloning the frontend repo.

git clone https://gitlab.reclaimprotocol.org/starterpacks/reclaim-stellar-example.git
cd reclaim-stellar-example
npm install

Code discovery.

In your App.js, make sure you have your Reclaim credentials ready for placeholders marked with //TODOs. For your convenience, we included some smoke credentials for Steam Id provider.

Add your contract address to .env. If you wish to use our contract, just copy contents of .env.example to your .env.

cp .env.example .env

Submitting the proof.

npm run build
npm run start

After requesting a proof from Reclaim and performing the verification on your end, a verify proof button will appear on the screen. Make sure your wallet is connected, click the button, a wallet pop-up will show prompting you to submit.