✨Works out of the box guarantee. If you face any issue at all, hit us up on Telegram and we will write the integration for you.


Publish on-chain with Reclaim contract on LUKSO


At this stage, we assume that you are familiar with the steps at ReactJs.

We will be using Metamask (opens in a new tab) as a wallet to interact with the frontend interface. Make sure that you have it installed and funded with LYXT (opens in a new tab).

You can access the code of this walkthrough on Gitlab:

Contract Deployment

If you don't need to add more checks and logic to on-chain contract, You can skip those steps and use our already deployed contract on the testnet (opens in a new tab).

Clone the Lukso contract sdk repo.

This Contract (opens in a new tab) serves as a client to our Reclaim protocol. It instantiates Reclaim's contract, handles proofs, and verifies them, then stores the proofs on ProofStorage Contract (opens in a new tab) that utilizes the ERC725Y standard for a dynamic and flexible storage.

git clone https://gitlab.reclaimprotocol.org/integrations/onchain/lukso-sdk.git
cd lukso-sdk


Install dependencies:

npm install

In root directory, populate your .env and make sure to add your private key:

echo 'PRIVATE_KEY=your-private-key-here' > .env


Deploy the contracts with your account on LuksoTestnet.

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network luksoTestnet

Save the adresses

You will see the following logs:

ProofStorage deployed to: 0x...
Reclaim deployed to: 0x...

The first Contract Address is ProofStorage address the Contract that will be used for Storing the proofs with ERC725Y standard. The Second one is the Reclaim contract used for verifying proofs before storing them, you can check both of them on Lukso explorer (opens in a new tab).

Add Epoch

Before Adding Epoch make sure to replace the old contract address in the file /tasks/add-new-epoch.ts (line 21) with your new Reclaim contract address that you got from the last step.

import { task, types } from "hardhat/config";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox";
import { Reclaim } from "../src/types";
task("add-new-epoch", "Start a new epoch")
  .addParam("address", "address of a witness", undefined, types.string)
  .addParam("host", "Hostof a witness", undefined, types.string)
  .setAction(async (taskArgs, { ethers, network }) => {
    const { address, host } = taskArgs;
    if (!address) {
    const witness: Reclaim.WitnessStruct = { addr: address, host };
    const signerAddress = await ethers.provider.getSigner().getAddress();
      `adding witness on "${network.name}" from address "${signerAddress}"`
    const contractAddress = "0x93a9d327836A5279E835EF3147ac1fb54FBd726B"; //Replace with your Contract address
    const factory = await ethers.getContractFactory("Reclaim");
    const contract = factory.attach(contractAddress);
    const tx = await contract.addNewEpoch([witness], 1);
    //Rest of the code.

Finally Send a transaction to add epoch from the owner account.

npx hardhat add-new-epoch --address 0x244897572368Eadf65bfBc5aec98D8e5443a9072 --host https://reclaim-node.questbook.app --network sei_testnet

Frontend Development

Cloning the frontend repo.

git clone https://gitlab.reclaimprotocol.org/starterpacks/reclaim-lukso-example
cd reclaim-lukso-example
npm install

Code discovery (src/App.js).

We will submit the proof on chain once we get the onSuccessCallback. Fill in your Reclaim credentials marked with //TODOs.

import "./App.css";
import { Reclaim } from "@reclaimprotocol/js-sdk";
import { useState } from "react";
import { WagmiProvider, useAccount } from "wagmi";
import { config } from "./config";
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import QRCode from "react-qr-code";
import VerifyProof from "./verify-proof";
import { Account } from "./account";
import { WalletOptions } from "./wallet-options";
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
function ConnectWallet() {
  const { isConnected } = useAccount();
  if (isConnected) return <Account />;
  return <WalletOptions />;
function App() {
  const [url, setUrl] = useState("");
  const [ready, setReady] = useState(false);
  const [proof, setProof] = useState({});
  const APP_ID = "0x408edDD2dF298C2F5df1E2eDE2eBF1278A96Ee45"; //TODO: replace with your applicationId
  const reclaimClient = new Reclaim.ProofRequest(APP_ID);
  async function generateVerificationRequest() {
    const providerId = "1bba104c-f7e3-4b58-8b42-f8c0346cdeab"; //TODO: replace with your provider ids you had selected while creating the application
      `user's address`,
      "for acmecorp.com on 1st january"
    await reclaimClient.buildProofRequest(providerId);
      await reclaimClient.generateSignature(
        // this is an MVP, you should not generate the signature on the frontend
        "0x5bdaf747ad9333898a0d9cb613f499d0b00164d7b8230628cf7ffa30fd323372" //TODO : replace with your APP_SECRET
    const { requestUrl } = await reclaimClient.createVerificationRequest();
    await reclaimClient.startSession({
      onSuccessCallback: (proofs) => {
        console.log("Verification success", proofs);
        // Your business logic here
      onFailureCallback: (error) => {
        console.error("Verification failed", error);
        // Your business logic here to handle the error
  return (
    <WagmiProvider config={config}>
      <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
        <div className="App">
          <ConnectWallet />
          {!url && (
            <button onClick={generateVerificationRequest}>
              Create Claim QrCode
          {url && <QRCode value={url} />}
          {ready && <VerifyProof proof={proof}></VerifyProof>}
export default App;

Code discovery (src/verify-proof.jsx).

If you deployed your own version of the contract, you will need to update the contract address.

import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { writeContract } from "@wagmi/core";
import { abi } from "./abi";
import { config } from "./config";
import { Reclaim } from "@reclaimprotocol/js-sdk";
export default function VerifyProof(props) {
  const [proof, setProof] = useState({});
  const [verified, setVerified] = useState(false);
  const [transactionHash, setTransactionHash] = useState("");
  useEffect(() => {
    const newProof = Reclaim.transformForOnchain(props.proof);
  }, []);
  return (
        onClick={async () => {
          const hash = await writeContract(config, {
            abi: abi,
            address: "0x93a9d327836A5279E835EF3147ac1fb54FBd726B", //TODO : replace with your Reclaim contract's address
            functionName: "verifyProof",
            chainId: 4201, //TODO : replace with your chain id 4201 for Testnet 42 For Mainnet
            args: [proof],
          if (hash) {
        Verify Proof
      {verified && (
          {" "}
          <p>Proof verified</p>
            rel="noopener noreferrer"
            Click here to view transaction.

Submitting the proof.

npm run start
  • First, You will need to connect your metamask wallet.
  • Then, After requesting a proof from Reclaim and performing the verification on your end, a verify proof button will appear on the screen.
  • Finally, Clicking on the Verify Proof button will send a transaction.
  • You can check the transaction on the explorer by clicking on View Transaction button.