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logoReclaim Protocol Docs

Best Practices

Welcome to our best practices guide! These recommendations will help you use the Reclaim Protocol React Native SDK securely and efficiently in your mobile applications.

1. Protect Your Application Secret

Never include your Application Secret in your React Native app's code. This is crucial for maintaining the security of your application.

Key security measures:

  • Store your APP_SECRET exclusively on your backend server
  • Use environment variables or secure storage solutions for sensitive information like APP_ID
  • Implement secure secret rotation practices

2. Secure Communication

Implement secure data transmission:

  • Use HTTPS for all network communications
  • Enable SSL/TLS certificate validation
  • Implement certificate pinning for additional security
  • Encrypt sensitive data before transmission

3. API Security Implementation

Protect your API endpoints with:

  • Strong authentication mechanisms
  • Role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Rate limiting to prevent abuse
  • Input validation and sanitization

Implementation Guidelines

1. Error Handling Strategy

Implement comprehensive error handling to enhance reliability:

try {
  // Reclaim SDK operations
} catch (error) {
  // Handle errors appropriately
  console.error('Reclaim SDK error:', error);
  // Show user-friendly error message

2. SDK Maintenance

Regularly update the SDK to ensure you have the latest features and security improvements.

Update commands:

npm update @reclaimprotocol/reactnative-sdk
# or
yarn upgrade @reclaimprotocol/reactnative-sdk

Performance Optimization

1. Network Request Management

  • Implement request batching where possible
  • Use appropriate caching strategies
  • Monitor network performance metrics
  • Implement retry mechanisms for failed requests

2. Asynchronous Operations

Optimize application responsiveness:

const getRequestUrl = async () => {
  try {
    const result = await reclaimProofRequest.getRequestUrl();
    // Use the result
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle error

Quality Assurance

1. Testing Strategy

  • Unit tests for core functionality
  • Integration tests for SDK interactions
  • End-to-end testing for critical flows
  • Cross-device compatibility testing

2. Monitoring and Analytics

  • Implement comprehensive logging
  • Track key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Monitor error rates and patterns
  • Set up automated alerts for critical issues

User Experience Guidelines

1. User Interface Design

  • Provide clear, step-by-step instructions
  • Use consistent visual feedback
  • Implement intuitive error messages
  • Design for accessibility

2. Fallback Mechanisms

  • Implement graceful degradation
  • Provide clear alternative paths
  • Handle offline scenarios effectively

3. Loading State Management

const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
// ...
{isLoading ? (
  <ActivityIndicator size="large" color="#0000ff" />
) : (
  // Your verification UI

4. Responsive Design

  • Use flexible layouts
  • Implement proper scaling
  • Test on various screen sizes
  • Support both portrait and landscape modes

5. Platform-Specific Considerations

  • Respect platform conventions
  • Implement platform-specific UI patterns
  • Handle platform-specific permissions properly
  • Test thoroughly on both iOS and Android

Additional Resources

For support or further questions, contact: