Integrate with Reclaim Pallet
You need to be familiar with Substrate Framework (opens in a new tab).
At this stage, we assume that you are familiar with the steps at ReactJs.
You can access the code of this walkthrough on Gitlab (opens in a new tab).
Integration with Reclaim Pallet using node template
Please note that pallet_integration_with_reclaim
pallet is an example pallet that represents your pallet which you want to intergrate Reclaim
Clone the Substrate node with reclaim repo.
This Substrate node with reclaim (opens in a new tab) serves as a node template which enables you to use ReclaimVerifier
trait in your pallets.
There are two pallets already configured:
: contains the reclaim logic to verify proofs and implementsReclaimVerifier
: Example pallet that aims to store if the account is verified and usesReclaimVerifier
as an associated type in your palletConfig
git clone
cd substrate-sdk
cargo test
Code Discovery (pallet-reclaim/src/
This file defines the ReclaimVerifier
trait which is an interface for verifying proofs in the Reclaim logic.
use frame_support::dispatch::DispatchResult;
pub trait ReclaimVerifier<Proof> {
fn verify_proof(proof: &Proof) -> DispatchResult;
impl<Proof> ReclaimVerifier<Proof> for () {
fn verify_proof(_proof: &Proof) -> DispatchResult {
Code Discovery (pallet-reclaim/src/
Examine the core logic of the Reclaim pallet in This includes the implementation of the Reclaim logic, storage items, and the public functions that interact with the blockchain.
- Implements
impl<T> ReclaimVerifier<Proof> for Pallet<T>
T: Config,
fn verify_proof(proof: &Proof) -> DispatchResult {
let config = <PReclaimConfig<T>>::get().unwrap();
let epoch_count = config.current_epoch;
let current_epoch = <Epochs<T>>::get(epoch_count);
- Extrinsics for Reclaim Protocol
// For Management. Setup Variables for Reclaim Protocol
pub fn init(origin: OriginFor<T>) -> DispatchResult{
// For Management. Only callabe by reclaim manager account (initializer account)
pub fn add_epoch(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
witness: BoundedVec<Witness, ConstU32<100>>,
minimum_witness: u128,
) -> DispatchResult{
// Anyone can call to check if their proofs are valid.
pub fn verify_proof(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
claim_info: ClaimInfo,
signed_claim: SignedClaim,
) -> DispatchResult
Code Discovery (pallet-integration-with-reclaim/src/
This file illustrates how to use the ReclaimVerifier trait in another pallet, which stores verification status for accounts.
is added toConfig
pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;
type ReclaimVerifier: ReclaimVerifier<Proof>;
type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
- Storage to persist if an account is verified
pub(super) type AccountVerified<T: Config> = StorageMap<_, Identity, T::AccountId, bool, OptionQuery>;
- Extrinsic to Verify if user's proof is valid and store that user's account is verified
#[pallet::weight(<T as pallet::Config>::WeightInfo::verify_user())]
pub fn verify_user(origin: OriginFor<T>, proof: Proof) -> DispatchResult {
let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// call `verify_proof`. If verification failed, It will raise `Reclaim` error and revert.
<AccountVerified<T>>::set(&who, Some(true));
Self::deposit_event(Event::UserVerified { account_id: who });
Code Discovery (pallet-integration-with-reclaim/src/
In, set up the testing environment for the integration pallet. This involves configuring mock traits and runtime for unit tests.
impl pallet_reclaim::Config for Test {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Signature = sp_core::ecdsa::Signature;
type PublicKey = sp_core::ecdsa::Public;
type WeightInfo = ();
impl pallet_integration_with_reclaim::Config for Test {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
// ReclaimVerifier assigned to Reclaim Pallet which implements it
type ReclaimVerifier = pallet_reclaim::Pallet<Test>;
type WeightInfo = ();
Code Discovery (runtime/src/
In your runtime's, integrate the pallets to the runtime configuration, ensuring they are included in the construct_runtime! macro.
- Implement Configs for Runtime
impl pallet_reclaim::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Signature = sp_core::ecdsa::Signature;
type PublicKey = sp_core::ecdsa::Public;
type WeightInfo = pallet_reclaim::weights::SubstrateWeightInfo<Runtime>;
impl pallet_integration_with_reclaim::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type ReclaimVerifier = pallet_reclaim::Pallet<Runtime>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_integration_with_reclaim::weights::SubstrateWeightInfo<Runtime>;
- Include the pallets in Runtime
pub struct Runtime {
System: frame_system,
Timestamp: pallet_timestamp,
Aura: pallet_aura,
Grandpa: pallet_grandpa,
Balances: pallet_balances,
TransactionPayment: pallet_transaction_payment,
Sudo: pallet_sudo,
Reclaim: pallet_reclaim,
IntegrationWithReclaim: pallet_integration_with_reclaim,
- Add pallets to benches module
mod benches {
[frame_benchmarking, BaselineBench::<Runtime>]
[frame_system, SystemBench::<Runtime>]
[pallet_balances, Balances]
[pallet_timestamp, Timestamp]
[pallet_sudo, Sudo]
[pallet_reclaim, Reclaim]
[pallet_integration_with_reclaim, IntegrationWithReclaim]