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Quickstart for Solana


This tutorial assumes that you have a frontend that requests proofs from the user and processes the response, like React, React Native, or Node.


Environment Setup

Before you begin, ensure that your development environment meets the following prerequisites.


  1. Rust - The programming language used for writing Solana programs. Install Rust by following the instructions here (opens in a new tab) .

  2. Solana Tool Suite - Provides the Solana CLI and other tools necessary for interacting with the Solana network. Install the Solana Tool Suite by following the instructions here .

  3. Node.js - Required for running JavaScript and TypeScript scripts. Download Node.js from here (opens in a new tab) .

  4. Yarn Package Manager - A fast, reliable, and secure dependency management tool. Install Yarn globally using npm:

npm install -g yarn
  1. Anchor Framework - A framework for Solana's Sealevel runtime providing several developer tools. Install Anchor by following the instructions here (opens in a new tab) .

Repository Structure

Understanding the repository structure will help you navigate and modify the code as needed.

  • programs/reclaim - The Anchor smart contract code for the Reclaim program.

  • sdk - The auto-generated SDK folder using Solita.

  • scripts - Automated scripts to streamline certain initialization processes.

  • program-keypairs - The keypairs stored for vanity addresses.

  • tests - The test suites that are run during anchor test.


To get started, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/reclaimprotocol/reclaim-solana-sdk.git
cd reclaim-solana-sdk
yarn install

This command installs all necessary dependencies for both the SDK and the scripts.


The setup process involves generating a new program keypair and updating the configuration files to use the newly generated program ID. This ensures that you have a unique program ID for your deployment.

Run the setup script:

yarn setup

The setup script performs the following actions:

  • Generates a new program keypair : Creates a new Solana keypair for the program and saves it to program-keypairs/reclaim-program-keypair.json.

  • Updates configuration files : Replaces the program ID in Anchor.toml, .solitarc.js, lib.rs, and other utility files with the new program ID.

  • Prepares the project for deployment : Ensures that all references to the program ID are consistent across the project.

Building the SDK

Before deploying the contract, you need to build the SDK. The SDK contains TypeScript definitions and client code generated from the Solana program.

Build the SDK using the following command:

yarn build

This command compiles the SDK and generates the required build artifacts, making it ready for interaction with the Solana program.

Deploying the Contract

Deploying the Reclaim smart contract involves building the Anchor project and deploying it to the Solana network of your choice.

Building the Anchor Project

First, build the Anchor project to compile the smart contract code:

anchor build

This command compiles the Rust code located in the programs/reclaim directory, producing a deployable Solana program.

Deploying to Solana Network

Deploy the contract using the generated program keypair:

anchor deploy --program-name reclaim --program-keypair program-keypairs/reclaim-program-keypair.json
  • --program-name reclaim : Specifies the name of the program as defined in Anchor.toml.

  • --program-keypair : Points to the keypair file generated during the setup. Note : The default network for deployment is devnet. To deploy to a different network, see Specifying the Network .After deployment, take note of the Program ID displayed in the output:

Program Id: YourProgramIDHere

Ensure that this Program ID matches the one generated during the setup.

Configuring the Program

After deploying the program, you need to initialize the epochConfig account, which is essential for the Reclaim protocol's operation.

Backfilling Epochs

Run the backfill command to initialize the epochConfig account:

yarn backfill

This command:

  • Derives the Program Derived Address (PDA) for the epochConfig account.

  • Initializes the epochConfig account on the Solana network.

  • Configures the initial epoch settings. Take note of the Epoch config address displayed in the output:

Epoch config address: YourEpochConfigAddressHere

This address is required for adding new epochs and interacting with the program.

Adding an Epoch

To add an epoch, use the add-epoch command, passing the epochConfig address as an argument:

yarn add-epoch <EpochConfigAddress>

Replace <EpochConfigAddress> with the actual address from the backfill step. This command:

  • Reads the current epochIndex from the epochConfig account.

  • Derives the PDA for the new epoch.

  • Creates and initializes the new epoch account on the Solana network.

Specifying the Network

By default, the SDK interacts with the Solana devnet network. You can change the network by setting the SOLANA_CLUSTER environment variable. The supported networks are:

  • devnet (default)

  • testnet

  • mainnet-beta

Using Scripts on Different Networks

To run scripts on a different network, set the SOLANA_CLUSTER variable before the command:Example: Backfilling epochs on testnet

SOLANA_CLUSTER=testnet yarn backfill

Example: Adding an epoch on mainnet-beta

SOLANA_CLUSTER=mainnet-beta yarn add-epoch <EpochConfigAddress>

Deploying on Different Networks

To deploy the contract on networks other than devnet, you need to adjust the Anchor.toml configuration and specify the network during deployment.

Step 1: Update Anchor.toml, replace the [programs.devnet] section with the network you want to deploy to:

For testnet :

reclaim = "YourProgramIDHere"
cluster = "testnet"

For mainnet-beta :

reclaim = "YourProgramIDHere"
cluster = "mainnet"

Step 2: Deploy the Program Use the --provider.cluster option with anchor deploy:

anchor deploy --provider.cluster testnet --program-name reclaim --program-keypair program-keypairs/reclaim-program-keypair.json

Replace testnet with mainnet for mainnet-beta.

Note : Ensure that you have sufficient funds in your wallet on the target network to cover deployment costs.

By following this documentation, you should be able to set up your environment, deploy the Reclaim smart contract, and interact with it on the Solana blockchain.