✨Works out of the box guarantee. If you face any issue at all, hit us up on Telegram and we will write the integration for you.
logoReclaim Protocol Docs

Cosmos - Nibiru

Publish on chain using CosmWasm


At this stage, we assume that you are familiar with the steps at ReactJs.

We will be using Keplr as a wallet to interact with the frontend interface. Make sure that you have it installed and funded with testnet Nibi.

You can access the code of this walkthrough on Gitlab:

Contract deployment

Clone the client contract repo.

This Nibiru contract serves as a client to our Reclaim contract. It instantiates Reclaim's contract, handles proofs, and verifies them.

git clone https://gitlab.reclaimprotocol.org/starterpacks/nibiru-client-contract
make build

Add your wallet information.

As stated in the README, add your wallet credentials to your node/.env.

MNEMONIC= // Your mnemonic

Deploy and verify a proof.

In the node directory, run npm run start, you can upload the contract, instantiate it, and verify a Reclaim proof on it. Run the script and take a note of your contract address, we will be using it later.


React client development

Cloning the frontend repo.

git clone https://gitlab.reclaimprotocol.org/starterpacks/nibiru-client-frontend
cd nibiru-client-frontend
npm install

Code discovery (App.js).

We will submit the proof on chain once we get the onSuccessCallback. Fill in your Reclaim credentials marked with //TODOs.

import './App.css'
import { Reclaim } from '@reclaimprotocol/js-sdk'
import { useState } from 'react'
import VerifyProof from './VerifyProof'
import ConnectButton from './ConnectButton'
function App() {
  const [url, setUrl] = useState('')
  const [ready, setReady] = useState(false);
  const [proof, setProof] = useState({});
  const reclaimClient = new Reclaim.ProofRequest('') //TODO: replace with your applicationId
  async function generateVerificationRequest() {
    const providerId = '' //TODO: replace with your provider ids you had selected while creating the application
    const APP_SECRET = "" //TODO : replace with your APP_SECRET
    await reclaimClient.addContext(
      (`user's address`),
      ('for acmecorp.com on 1st january')
    await reclaimClient.buildProofRequest(providerId)
      await reclaimClient.generateSignature(
    const { requestUrl, statusUrl } =
      await reclaimClient.createVerificationRequest()
    await reclaimClient.startSession({
      onSuccessCallback: proof => {
        console.log('Verification success', proof)
        // Your business logic here
      onFailureCallback: error => {
        console.error('Verification failed', error)
        // Your business logic here to handle the error
  return (
    <div className='App'>
      <button onClick={() => generateVerificationRequest()}>
        Generate Verification Request
      <button onClick={() => window.open(url, '_blank')}>Open link</button>
      {ready && <VerifyProof proof={proof}></VerifyProof>}
export default App

Code discovery (src/nibiJs/nibijsFunctions.js).

Replace with your own Reclaim client contract's address.

import { useContext } from "react";
import { NibijsContext } from "./nibijsContext";
// Uncomment for mainnet
// let contractAddress = "nibi1d7ffxpewty3zd0lq39l9rxc2wtmgv8j3gsg3qf5yglzewqp84mkqlttmme";
let contractAddress = "nibi1l0yhggdxmvkcjd9a304gkel770rkyl2vy272q58seyp5sys7486spversq";
const NibijsFunctions = () => {
  const { nibijs, nibiAddress } = useContext(NibijsContext);
  let verify_proof = async (proof) => {
    let tx = await nibijs.wasmClient.execute(
        verify_proof: {
          proof: proof,
  return {
export { NibijsFunctions };

Submitting the proof.

npm run build
npm run start

After requesting a proof from Reclaim and performing the verification on your end, a verify proof button will appear on the screen. Make sure your Keplr is connected, click the button, a wallet pop-up will show prompting you to submit.



Now your proof will get approved on-chain, here is the sample transaction from the screenshot above.

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