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logoReclaim Protocol Docs

Local Development

Running an attestor locally

Reclaim's attestor is a stateless machine, you can start generating proofs with your local setup, all you need is a private key for your attestor.


Following this doc, you will be able to run an attestor locally and start generating Reclaim proofs.


Running the attestor

The workflow is as follows:

  1. Clone the attestor-core repository:
    • git clone https://github.com/reclaimprotocol/attestor-core.git
  2. Install packages:
    • npm i
  3. Create an .env.producation with at least the PRIVATE_KEY variable populated:
    • PRIVATE_KEY=0x...
  4. Start the server:
    • NODE_ENV=production npm run start --env-file=.env.production -- src/scripts/start-server

Running the last command will print a WebSocket url for you, you will need this in the next step.

Generating a proof

Now that your attestor is running in the background, you can connect to it and start generating proofs:

  1. Create a node.js environment:

    • npm init --yes
  2. Install attestor-core:

    • npm i https://github.com/reclaimprotocol/attestor-core
  3. Download ZK files:

    • node node_modules/@reclaimprotocol/zk-symmetric-crypto/lib/scripts/download-files
  4. Create a .js file with the following script and plug in your attestor's metadata:

const { createClaimOnAttestor } = require("@reclaimprotocol/attestor-core");
const claimObj = 
// change the claim obj (with the provider data)
 method: "GET",
 url: "https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=ethereum&vs_currencies=usd",
 responseMatches: [
   type: "regex",
   value: '{"ethereum":{"usd":(?<usd>.*?)}}',
 responseRedactions: [
   regex: '{"ethereum":{"usd":(?<usd>.*?)}}',
 geoLocation: "",
 body: "",
 paramValues: {},
 headers: {},
const createClaim = async () => 
try {
 const claim = await createClaimOnAttestor({
 name: "http",
   method: claimObj.method,
   url: claimObj.url,
   responseMatches: claimObj.responseMatches,
   responseRedactions: claimObj.responseRedactions,
   geoLocation: claimObj.geoLocation,
   body: claimObj.body,
   paramValues: claimObj.paramValues,
   additionalClientOptions: {},
   headers: claimObj.headers,
   cookieStr: "",
   authorisationHeader: "",
 ownerPrivateKey: "", // Replace with your private key
   url: "", // Replace with your attestor's host url
} catch (error) {

Deploying Your Own Reclaim Server

Deploying a Reclaim server is straightforward using the docker-compose. The server is stateless, allowing for easy horizontal scaling. Follow these steps after running docker compose up:

  1. Set up a proxy: Use a reverse proxy, such as Nginx, to make the Reclaim HTTP server accessible over the internet.
  2. Configure HTTPS: Implement HTTPS on your reverse proxy.
  3. Configure WebSocket: Configure your reverse proxy to handle WebSocket connections, which are essential for Reclaim's functionality.

You should then have an RPC URL in the format wss://<your-domain>/ws. To confirm your server is working correctly on mobile devices through a browser-based RPC, navigate to https://<your-domain>/browser-rpc. If the server is correctly configured, you will see the message "Attestor Core RPC".

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