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logoReclaim Protocol Docs


Publish On-Chain with Reclaim Contract on Mina


At this stage, we assume that you are familiar with the steps at ReactJs.

Before diving into this walkthrough, ensure you're familiar with the basic concepts of zkApps on the Mina Protocol and have a compatible wallet installed. We'll guide you through setting up your environment, deploying the smart contract, and running the frontend application.

Setting Up Your Wallet

  1. Install Auro Wallet: Download and install the Auro Wallet extension for your browser.

  2. Switch to Mina Devnet:

    • Open the Auro Wallet extension.
    • Click on the network selector (usually at the top of the extension window).
    • Select "Devnet" from the list of networks.
  3. Fund Your Wallet:

    • Visit the Mina Faucet to obtain testnet MINA tokens.
    • Enter your public key from Auro Wallet.
    • Select "Devnet" as the network.
    • Click "Submit" to request funds.

Accessing the Code

Clone the repositories for both the smart contract and the frontend:

Contract Deployment

If you don't need to modify the smart contract, you can skip these steps and use our already deployed contract on the Mina Devnet . However, to understand the full process or deploy your own version, follow the instructions below.

Overview of the Verification Process

The smart contract performs the following steps during proof verification:

  1. Signature Validation: Checks that the proof contains valid signatures.
  2. Hash Comparison: Hashes the provided ClaimInfo and compares it to the identifierField in the claim to ensure integrity.
  3. Witness Verification: Validates the signed witnesses against a Merkle root stored on-chain.
  4. Duplicate Prevention: Ensures no duplicate signatures exist among the witnesses.

Clone the zkApp Contract Repository

Start by cloning the smart contract repository and navigating to the project directory.

git clone https://gitlab.reclaimprotocol.org/integrations/onchain/mina-sdk.git
cd mina-sdk

Install Dependencies

npm install

Configure the Deployment

Run the zkApp CLI configuration command to set up your deployment settings.

zk config

Configuration Prompts:

  • Deploy Alias Name: devnet
  • Target Network Kind: Testnet
  • Mina GraphQL API URL: https://api.minascan.io/node/devnet/v1/graphql
  • Transaction Fee: 0.1

When prompted for the fee payer account:

  • Select: Create a new fee payer key pair
  • Alias for Fee Payer Account: deploy-account

Note: The private key will be stored in plain text on your computer. Do not use an account that holds significant funds.

Fund Your Fee Payer Account

After configuration, fund your fee payer account:

  1. Copy your fee payer public key from the CLI output.
  2. Visit the Mina Faucet.
  3. Enter your fee payer public key.
  4. Select "Devnet" as the network.
  5. Click "Submit" to request funds.

Wait a few minutes for the transaction to be included in a block.

Compile the Smart Contract

Compile your smart contract using the following command:

npm run build

Deploy the zkApp

Deploy your smart contract to the Mina Devnet:

zk deploy

When prompted, select the deploy alias you created earlier (devnet).

Confirm Deployment Details:

Review the details provided by the CLI and type yes to confirm.

Verify Deployment

After deployment, you'll receive a transaction hash. Visit the Mina block explorer to verify your smart contract:

Frontend Development

Cloning the frontend repo.

git clone https://gitlab.reclaimprotocol.org/starterpacks/reclaim-mina-example.git
cd reclaim-mina-example

Install Dependencies

Install the necessary npm packages:

npm install

Configure the Frontend Application

Open app/page.tsx in your code editor and update the following variables:

  1. Contract Address:

    Replace the placeholder zkApp contract address with your own if you deployed your contract.

    // app/page.tsx
  2. Reclaim Protocol Credentials:

    Replace the example APP_ID, APP_SECRET, and PROVIDER_ID with your actual credentials.

    // app/page.tsx
    const APP_ID = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_APP_ID"; // Replace with your App ID
    const APP_SECRET = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_APP_SECRET"; // Replace with your App Secret
    const PROVIDER_ID = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PROVIDER_ID"; // Replace with your Provider ID

Code Overview (app/page.tsx)

This file contains the main frontend logic, including initializing the Reclaim proof request, handling user interactions, and connecting to the zkApp worker.

Key Sections:

  • Setup and Initialization:

    // app/page.tsx
    useEffect(() => {
      const setup = async () => {
        try {
          if (!hasBeenSetup) {
            displayStep("Loading web worker...");
            const zkappWorkerClient = new ZkappWorkerClient();
            await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
            displayStep("Done loading web worker");
            await zkappWorkerClient.setActiveInstanceToDevnet();
            const mina = (window as any).mina;
            if (mina == null) {
              displayStep("Wallet not found.");
            const publicKeyBase58: string = (await mina.requestAccounts())[0];
            displayStep(`Using key:${publicKeyBase58}`);
            displayStep("Checking if fee payer account exists...");
            const res = await zkappWorkerClient.fetchAccount(publicKeyBase58);
            const accountExists = res.error === null;
            await zkappWorkerClient.loadContract();
            displayStep("Compiling zkApp...");
            await zkappWorkerClient.compileContract();
            displayStep("zkApp compiled");
            await zkappWorkerClient.initZkappInstance(ZKAPP_ADDRESS);
            displayStep("Getting Number of Proofs...");
            await zkappWorkerClient.fetchAccount(ZKAPP_ADDRESS);
            const currentProofNum = await zkappWorkerClient.getProofNum();
            console.log(`Current Proof Num in zkApp: ${currentProofNum}`);
            async function initializeReclaim() {
              const APP_ID = "0x6E0338a6D8594101Ea9e13840449242015d71B19"; // This is an example App Id Replace it with your App Id.
              const APP_SECRET =
                "0x1e0d6a6548b72286d747b4ac9f2ad6b07eba8ad6a99cb1191890ea3f77fae48f"; // This is an example App Secret Replace it with your App Secret.
              const PROVIDER_ID = "6d3f6753-7ee6-49ee-a545-62f1b1822ae5"; // This is GitHub Provider Id Replace it with the provider id you want to use.
              const proofRequest = await ReclaimProofRequest.init(
            console.log("Initlizing Reclaim...");
        } catch (error: any) {
          displayStep(`Error during setup: ${error.message}`);
    }, []);
  • Generating the Verification Request:

    // app/page.tsx
    async function generateVerificationRequest() {
      if (!reclaimProofRequest) {
        console.error("Reclaim Proof Request not initialized");
        `user's address`,
        "for acmecorp.com on 1st january"
      const url = await reclaimProofRequest.getRequestUrl();
      const status = reclaimProofRequest.getStatusUrl();
      await reclaimProofRequest.startSession({
        onSuccess: (proof: Proof) => {
          console.log("Verification success", proof);
        onFailure: (error: Error) => {
          console.error("Verification failed", error);
  • Sending the Transaction:

    // app/page.tsx
    const onSendTransaction = async (proof: Proof) => {
      displayStep("Creating a transaction...");
      console.log("publicKeyBase58 sending to worker", publicKeyBase58);
      await zkappWorkerClient!.fetchAccount(publicKeyBase58);
      await zkappWorkerClient!.createTransaction(proof);
      displayStep("Creating proof...");
      await zkappWorkerClient!.proveUpdateTransaction();
      displayStep("Requesting send transaction...");
      const transactionJSON = await zkappWorkerClient!.getTransactionJSON();
      displayStep("Getting transaction JSON...");
      const { hash } = await (window as any).mina.sendTransaction({
        transaction: transactionJSON,
        feePayer: {
          fee: transactionFee,
          memo: "",
      const transactionLink = `https://minascan.io/devnet/tx/${hash}`;

Code Overview (app/zkappWorker.ts)

This file handles the interaction with the zkApp smart contract in a web worker environment.

Key Sections:

  • Configuring the Network:

    // app/zkappWorker.ts
    async setActiveInstanceToDevnet() {
      const Network = Mina.Network(
      console.log("Devnet network instance configured");
  • Loading the contract and initlizing the Zkapp Instanc:

    // app/zkappWorker.ts
    async loadContract() {
    const { Reclaim } = await import("../components/abi/src/Reclaim");
    state.AddInstance = Reclaim;
    async compileContract() {
    await state.AddInstance!.compile();
    async fetchAccount(publicKey58: string) {
    const publicKey = PublicKey.fromBase58(publicKey58);
    return fetchAccount({ publicKey });
    async initZkappInstance(publicKey58: string) {
    const publicKey = PublicKey.fromBase58(publicKey58);
    state.zkappInstance = new state.AddInstance!(publicKey);
  • Getting number of Proofs has already been verified on in the ZKapp:

    // app/zkappWorker.ts
      async getProofNum() {
      const currentNum = await state.zkappInstance!.proofNum.get();
      return JSON.stringify(currentNum.toJSON());
  • Reconstructing the Proof and the transaction:

  // app/zkappWorker.ts
async createTransaction(proofData: Proof) {
console.log("Worker: Creating transaction...");
    // Helper function to convert hex strings to Fields
    function hexToField(hexString: string): Field {
      if (!hexString.startsWith("0x")) {
        hexString = "0x" + hexString;
      return Field(BigInt(hexString));
    // Reconstruct ClaimInfo
    const claimInfo = new ClaimInfo({
      provider: proofData.claimData.provider,
      parameters: proofData.claimData.parameters,
      context: proofData.claimData.context,
    // Rest of the Proof Reconstructing logic
      const rProof = new RProof({
      claimInfo: claimInfo,
      signedClaim: signedClaim,
    // Create the transaction using rProof
    state.transaction = await Mina.transaction(async () => {
      await state.zkappInstance!.verifyProof(rProof);
    console.log("Worker: Transaction created.");

Running the Frontend Application

Start the development server:

npm run dev

Interacting with the Application

  1. Connect Your Wallet:
    • Open the application in your browser (http://localhost:3000).
    • Auro Wallet will prompt you to connect. Approve the connection.
  2. Generate Claim QR Code:
    • Click on "Create Claim QR Code".
    • A QR code will appear on the screen.
  3. Scan QR Code with Your Phone:
    • Use your phone to scan the QR code.
    • Complete the verification process as prompted.
  4. Verify Proof on Mina Network:
    • After successful verification, a "Verify Proof" button will appear.
    • Click on "Verify Proof".
    • Approve the transaction in Auro Wallet when prompted.
  5. View Transaction:
    • Once the transaction is processed, a link to view it on the Mina block explorer will appear.
    • Click on "View transaction" to see the details.