Publish on-chain with Reclaim contract on LUKSO
At this stage, we assume that you are familiar with the steps at ReactJs.
We will be using Metamask as a wallet to interact with the frontend interface. Make sure that you have it installed and funded with LYXT.
You can access the code of this walkthrough:
Contract Deployment
If you don't need to add more checks and logic to on-chain contract, You can skip those steps and use our already deployed contract on the Testnet or Mainnet.
Clone the Lukso contract sdk repo.
This Contract that utilizes the ERC725Y standard for a dynamic and flexible storage.
Install dependencies:
In root directory, populate your .env and make sure to add your private key:
Deploy the contracts with your account on LuksoTestnet.
Save the adresses
You will see the following logs:
This is the Reclaim contract used for verifying proofs before storing them, you can check on Lukso explorer.
Add Epoch
Before Adding Epoch make sure to replace the old contract address in the file /tasks/add-new-epoch.ts
(line 21) with your new Reclaim contract address that you got from the last step.
Finally Send a transaction to add epoch from the owner account.
Frontend Development
Cloning the frontend repo.
Code discovery (src/App.js).
We will submit the proof on chain once we get the onSuccess
. Fill in your Reclaim credentials if you want to use a different provider.
Code discovery (src/verify-proof.jsx).
If you deployed your own version of the contract, you will need to update the contract address.
Submitting the proof.
- First, You will need to connect your metamask wallet.
- Then, After requesting a proof from Reclaim and performing the verification on your end, a verify proof button will appear on the screen.
- Finally, Clicking on the
Verify Proof
button will send a transaction. - You can check the transaction on the explorer by clicking on
View Transaction