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logoReclaim Protocol Docs

API Reference

Core Functions


function getReclaimAuth(
  clientId: string,
  cliendSecret: string,
  redirectUri: string
): ReclaimAuth

Initializes and returns a ReclaimAuth instance for handling authentication flows.


  • clientId: Your application's unique identifier
  • clientSecret: Your application's secret key
  • redirectUri: The URI where users will be redirected after authentication

Returns: A ReclaimAuth instance with authentication methods

ReclaimAuth Methods

interface ReclaimAuth {
  signIn(): Promise<ReclaimUser>;
  signOut(): Promise<void>;
  getCurrentUser(): ReclaimUser | null;
  onAuthStateChanged(callback: (user: ReclaimUser | null) => void): () => void;
  • signIn(): Initiates the authentication flow and returns the user data
  • signOut(): Logs out the current user and clears authentication state
  • getCurrentUser(): Returns the currently authenticated user or null
  • onAuthStateChanged(): Subscribes to authentication state changes and returns an unsubscribe function



interface ReclaimUser {
  id: string;
  userData: {
      [key: string]: string;
  additionalData: {
      [key: string]: string;

Represents an authenticated user's data structure:

  • id: Unique identifier for the user
  • userData: Primary user information key-value pairs
  • additionalData: Array of supplementary user information


interface AuthError extends Error {
  code?: string;
  details?: unknown;

Extended error type for authentication-specific errors, including error codes and additional details.

React Hooks


function useReclaimAuth(): {
  user: ReclaimUser | null;
  loading: boolean;
  error: Error | null;
  signIn: () => Promise<void>;
  signOut: () => Promise<void>;
  getCurrentUser: () => ReclaimUser | null;

Primary hook for managing authentication state and actions in React components. Provides complete authentication functionality.


function useAuthState(): {
  user: ReclaimUser | null;
  loading: boolean;

Simplified hook for accessing authentication state only. Useful when you only need to check user status.


function useAuthActions(): {
  signIn: () => Promise<void>;
  signOut: () => Promise<void>;

Hook for accessing authentication actions without state management.

React Components


function AuthProvider(props: { children: React.ReactNode }): JSX.Element

Context provider component that must wrap any part of the application using authentication features.


function ProtectedRoute(props: { 
  children: React.ReactNode 
}): JSX.Element

Component for protecting routes that require authentication. Redirects unauthenticated users to the login page.

Error Codes

popup_blockedAuthentication popup was blocked
unauthorizedClient is not authorized
invalid_requestInvalid request parameters
network_errorNetwork connectivity issues
auth_cancelledUser cancelled authentication

Error Handling Best Practices:

  • Always wrap authentication calls in try-catch blocks
  • Check for specific error codes to handle different scenarios
  • Provide appropriate user feedback based on error types
  • Implement retry logic for network-related errors

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