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logoReclaim Protocol Docs
Reclaim InApp SDKs

Android SDK

This SDK allows you to integrate Reclaim's in-app verification process into your Android application.


  • An Android application source code (Support for Android 5.0 or later).
  • An Android device or emulator running Android 5.0 or later.
  • A Reclaim account where you've created an app and have the app id, app secret.
  • A provider id that you've added to your app in Reclaim Devtools.



Add the following repositories to your settings.gradle file's repositories block or at the end of settings.gradle:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    String flutterStorageUrl = System.env.FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL ?: "https://storage.googleapis.com"
    String reclaimStorageUrl = System.env.RECLAIM_STORAGE_BASE_URL ?: "https://reclaim-inapp-sdk.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/android/0.1.2/repo"
    repositories {
        maven {
            url "$reclaimStorageUrl"
        maven {
            url "$flutterStorageUrl/download.flutter.io"

Some projects may require you to add the repositories to the root build.gradle file or your app-level build.gradle file's allprojects section.

Next, add the following to your app level build.gradle file:

implementation "org.reclaimprotocol:inapp_sdk:0.1.2"

Add the following to your app level AndroidManifest.xml file under the <application> tag:

<meta-data android:name="org.reclaimprotocol.inapp_sdk.APP_ID"
    android:value="<YOUR_RECLAIM_APP_ID>" />
<meta-data android:name="org.reclaimprotocol.inapp_sdk.APP_SECRET"
    android:value="<YOUR_RECLAIM_APP_SECRET>" />


To use ReclaimInAppSdk in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Import the ReclaimInAppSdk module into your Kotlin/Java file.
import org.reclaimprotocol.inapp_sdk.ReclaimVerification
  1. Create a request object.
val request = ReclaimVerification.Request(
        appId = "YOUR_APP_ID",
        secret = "YOUR_APP_SECRET",
        providerId = "YOUR_PROVIDER_ID"

Or if you have added the APP_ID and APP_SECRET metadata to your AndroidManifest.xml file, you can create the request object using the ReclaimVerification.Request.fromManifestMetaData method.

    val request = ReclaimVerification.Request.fromManifestMetaData(
        context = context,
        providerId = "YOUR_PROVIDER_ID"
  1. Start the verification flow.
    context = context,
    request = request,
    handler = object : ReclaimVerification.ResultHandler {
        override fun onException(exception: ReclaimVerification.ReclaimVerificationException) {
            Log.e("MainActivity", "Something went wrong", exception)
            val reason = when (exception) {
                is ReclaimVerification.ReclaimVerificationException.Failed -> "Failed because: ${exception.reason}"
                is ReclaimVerification.ReclaimVerificationException.Cancelled -> "Verification cancelled"
                is ReclaimVerification.ReclaimVerificationException.Dismissed -> "Dismissed by user"
                is ReclaimVerification.ReclaimVerificationException.SessionExpired -> "Session expired"
            Log.d("MainActivity", "reason: $reason")
        override fun onResponse(response: ReclaimVerification.Response) {
            Log.d("MainActivity", response.toString())

The returned result ReclaimVerification.ResultHandler.onResponse in is a ReclaimVerification.Response object. This object contains a response that has proofs, exception, and the sessionId if the verification is successful.

If the verification is cancelled or failed, the handler's ReclaimVerification.ResultHandler.onException method is called with a ReclaimVerification.ReclaimVerificationException object.

For a complete example, see the Reclaim Compose Example - Android.

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